Mon 27 Jan
Specials available ! ..Sexy & Beautiful.. im waiting on ur call..412-304-9718 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Airport & surrounding areas)
Sexy&Exotic; :::::*::::::: OUTCALLS SPECIAL :::::::*:::::::: READY now!! WILL TRAVEL! :::: - 24
(Pittsburgh, in ur bed)
*****Spend this Rainy Day Inside With This Sexy italian Beauty!!!***** - 20
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh outcall)
Sexy Educated and Fun... Thats me.. Serious Callers Only Pls!!! College tuition is expensive - 22
Snowy Day Come inside & heat up :) Much needed *ADULT* Time :) - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place Home/Hotel :))
~ Sexy, Sensual, Professional Escort ~ Available All Week!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh~Greensburg)
sexy sweet and ready to make your dreams come true call now 724-413-2458 - 27
(Pittsburgh, Washington)
★ ★Sexy Danielle is back and ready for some action★ ★ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh off of exit 60 b)
;°o° SAVE ROOM for DESERT BOYS!! °o° ° ENJOY this TASTY BRUNETTE°o° ° - 27
(pgh incall outcall)
✩Rare Visit✩Hot Redheaded Snow Bunny✩Winter Wonderland SPECIALS✩ - 27
(Pittsburgh, Upscale Clean Safe Candle Lit Incall AP)
%% only in town for the night, dont let me slip away by morning %% - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree (incall))
💎💎💋💖My last day here whose going to give me my goodbye💖💋💎💎 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Greensburgh)
:*: ( MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :*: ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) :*: iM CUte :*: - 20
(Pittsburgh, CrAnBeRrY/Rt19/5☆Hotel)
___ ___ ___ New___ ___ ___ Sweet ___ ___ ___ Asian___ ___ ___ Student___ ___ ___ - 25
(Pittsburgh, outcallonly)
**Maria** PETITE BUSTY ! ready now cash/credit 100% real and recent pics! - 24
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1 hour radius))
* _____ Let's Play ___ T o t a l S w e e t h e a r t _____ Ready & Willing __ * - 20
(Pittsburgh, Moon incalls *)
_____((( NAUGHTY GIRL ALERT )))______ NevISian / SiCiLiAN _____ ☆ with _ YuMMY 36D_ ☆ - 22
(Pittsburgh *Robinson Twn Ctr*)
!! Let'S PLaY !! * * 1000% mE ~ ~ BuStY BruNettE BoMbSheLL 34DD's ~ !! Let'S PLaY !! - 25
I promise you wont regret this!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
Here from SUNNY San Diego to brighten your day .Tiny petite, little princess ./MonroeVi2 & Mosside - 23
$$$!!!Happy New Year get your SpEcIaLs while they last...... last day last chance!!!$$$$ - 25
(Pittsburgh incalls only)
▌★ ▌▐▐▐▐▐▃▃▃HOT JAPANESE GIRL—✦▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃▃✦—FIRST DAY✦▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃▃✦ BEST SERVICE ✦▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▃▃▃✦NURU&ALL; - 22
(267-916-9077 outcall, Philadelphia)
~~~~` Hot -N- Heavy ~~~~ all about YOU !!!! Unrushed * Play Ful * Teaseing & MORE - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ UR Place :))
👉HERE!👈🌺🌺🌺2 exotic Girls🌺🌺🌺BLASIAN & ITALIAN&Rican; - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-east & may travel$$$<)
Hey Guys!💗 GIA is Here👄, Ready and Waiting to Fulfill Each and Every Fantasy! Call me NOW!💗💖💞 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh INCALL OUTCALL)
♥️💟Heaven On Earth! find Out a Why I'm The Best✅⭐️ You Deserve This⭐️💟Outcall Specials - 23
(Pittsburgh, Outcall specials all night)
Happy New Year a dollar special in Monroeville and upper-class area, have fun 4126 078302 - 30
(Pittsburgh, monroeville and incalls)
If you're looking for extravagance at it's finest YOU'VE FOUND IT! - 23
(AVAIL ~ IN&OUT;, Erie, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Southwest)
Good Girl With Very Bad Habits...Confirmed Real Pics! UPSCALE•OPEN MINDED•INDEPENDENT! - 25
♥ I jUsT lOvE bEiNg. A.nAuGhTy GiRl ♥ IRisH bEaUty♥ LAsTdAy 120 SpEcIAlS - 21
(incalls..airport area)
HoT BLONDE ....:::: SuPeR SpEciALs ToNiGhT ::::.... 100% Me oR iTs FrEe (*( #1 PiCk iN ToWn )*) - 22
(Pittsburgh, (*(*( MONROEVILLE )*)*))
Τh℮ b℮δΤ ïΝ town!│ ♥(✿◠‿◠) ï have Aℓℓ Τh℮ δΚïℓℓδ♥ ♡δ℮Χï℮δΤ ArουNd♡ ☆ℓ℮Τδ þℓΑγ ☆ (◡‿◡✿) - 19
(Pittsburgh, MC.knight Rd Incall/Outcalls to Downtown)
***********Hot, Hot, Hot, Let Me Fully Satisfy You Tonight- SPECIALS ALL NIGHT ************ - 24